Create Your Future.... If You Can Dream It, Why Not Achieve It!

This site is about helping people to Create The Future that they truly want. We feature processes and products for the achievement of your Dreams and Goals.

Location: St. Andrew, Jamaica

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

What Am I to Do With My Life?

What are we here to do?

Why am i here?

These are questions we all ask ourselves at some point in our lives, i know i have ever since i was 12 years old. For me when i was younger my answer was "i'm here to make people smile". As i grew older it became " To make people feel good about themselves and realise that they are better than what they think they are". Each of us have to answer the question for ourselves. As you think about it consider the following:
  • Whatever it is, it is in line with the essence of who and what we are
  • We have total faith and belief in it
  • It is our Life's Vision
  • We derive great Joy and Happiness From it
  • It is something you would do for free (i know this one is hard to swallow)
You see your calling is what gives every aspect of your life meaning, you feel alive. What you will find is that it is something that deep down you know you must do because you"ve always had an interest in it. Your success in life is tied up in your calling. It is going to be a simple and fairly easy route to follow.

Your unhappiness with your life may be tied soley to your denial of what makes you happy. When you decide to follow what make you globally happy (and not what make you happy for the moment) you will find that life becomes easier and things seem to fall into place . You will find that you can handle your problems better as they arise and even plan for some before they arise. You begin to become a better person because of it.

Think about this friends! As you go through life each day, week after week and year after year, what is it that we all really want? Answer, to find something we can be absolutely passionate about. Something that when we arise in the morning we can't wait to get started. Something that no matter how bad things are it always brings us great joy! Someone once said "Do the things you love and love will be in everything you do".

Now one thing about your calling is that is that it may something that you end up growing into. I was 35 years old before i realised and accepted my calling, it's not that i did'nt see it when i was growing up, at different times i did, but for whatever reason i chose to ignore it. So don't be too frightened if you can't decide, just keep searching it will reveal itself to you..the signs are everywhere.

Now sit down my friends and decide what you want to do with your Life!


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