Change Your Paradigm for Abundance and Prosperity
To demand more out of life, desire more abundance, set your sights high and aim only for the best, requires no more energy or effort than that which is used in the acceptance of, or surrender to, poverty, frustration, misery and lack. What it comes down to is your level of awareness and your ability to employ it.
Far too many people are controlled by what is going on around them in their lives. They make statements like “The bills are overdue, what am I going to do? Nobody loves me. I am poor! I will never amount to anything! Woe is me”. Statements like these tend to confine and limit them and their way of thinking. The irony, however, is that if you ask them what they want they will say they want to be free from the limitations they experience in life that prevent them from realizing their fullest potential and live the life they desire.
But no one can ever be free, realize their fullest potential, live a life of abundance and prosperity until they know and understand exactly what it is that controls, shapes and directs their behaviours and by extension the results they achieve.
Your paradigms are what controls your thinking and directs your results. Your paradigms are your ideas, your way of thinking, the habits you have developed over time, in a nutshell your mindset. The way most people view, experience and make sense of our world is done through their own paradigm window.
When you experience something, no matter what it is, your mind will quickly go through your information bank, your brain, for all the required information it can get on that particular experience and decides where it should fall in the larger scheme of things. Whether good or bad, happy or sad, needed or not. So if you have positive paradigms you will tend to possess a healthy self esteem, strong self-image, be happy and able to changes as things change. If however, you have negative paradigms you may experience lots of pain, feel stuck in your old behaviours and ways of thinking. If you desire the abundance and prosperity you deserve then you must create that change in your paradigms.
How to change your paradigm in five steps
First step. Think about and write down that one major goal, dream, or challenge that you have not yet been able to conquer in your life. Being as detailed and as specific as you can describe it, say what it is. This will help your subconscious mind to focus.
Second step. Think about and write down what you associate with the goal or aim you have chosen. Write down the thoughts that come to mind when you think of it, both the positive and the negative thoughts. These are your paradigms. To help you tap into how you think about your goal ask yourself questions like “How does this make me feel?” to make the process simpler may I suggest that you draw a line down the canter of your notepad, head up one side as “positive thoughts” and the other side “negative thought”. You then list your thoughts under the corresponding heading.
Third step. Choose from your list what you consider to be your top four most powerful negative paradigms and ask yourself “Why did I think of this? What’s the source of this feeling? How has this served me? What will it cost me and my family?” and keep asking such questions until you have a clear understanding of your paradigm.
Fourth step. Once you know and understand your negative paradigm, find or create for yourself an effective affirmation that will help you to re-programme your mind. Your affirmation must be something that is opposite to the negative paradigm. So if you have a paradigm that says that you will never be wealthy, your affirmation may be ‘I believe that I will be wealthy and I can now see my wealth before my eyes, I am drawing wealth to me, I now have the wealth I desire’.
Fifth step. Place a written copy of your affirmation where you can see it every morning and every night and be sure to read it before you go to sleep and when you arise until it is memorized. You can also write said affirmation on a 3x5 card and take it with you when you go out each day and read it as often as you can. When you read your affirmation do so with emotion and feelings.
Once you have done these steps, over time you will begin to notice that you are thinking and behaving in a different way and a whole new source of power will open up for you. Follow these five steps for each of your paradigms and watch your life become prosperous.
Far too many people are controlled by what is going on around them in their lives. They make statements like “The bills are overdue, what am I going to do? Nobody loves me. I am poor! I will never amount to anything! Woe is me”. Statements like these tend to confine and limit them and their way of thinking. The irony, however, is that if you ask them what they want they will say they want to be free from the limitations they experience in life that prevent them from realizing their fullest potential and live the life they desire.
But no one can ever be free, realize their fullest potential, live a life of abundance and prosperity until they know and understand exactly what it is that controls, shapes and directs their behaviours and by extension the results they achieve.
Your paradigms are what controls your thinking and directs your results. Your paradigms are your ideas, your way of thinking, the habits you have developed over time, in a nutshell your mindset. The way most people view, experience and make sense of our world is done through their own paradigm window.
When you experience something, no matter what it is, your mind will quickly go through your information bank, your brain, for all the required information it can get on that particular experience and decides where it should fall in the larger scheme of things. Whether good or bad, happy or sad, needed or not. So if you have positive paradigms you will tend to possess a healthy self esteem, strong self-image, be happy and able to changes as things change. If however, you have negative paradigms you may experience lots of pain, feel stuck in your old behaviours and ways of thinking. If you desire the abundance and prosperity you deserve then you must create that change in your paradigms.
How to change your paradigm in five steps
First step. Think about and write down that one major goal, dream, or challenge that you have not yet been able to conquer in your life. Being as detailed and as specific as you can describe it, say what it is. This will help your subconscious mind to focus.
Second step. Think about and write down what you associate with the goal or aim you have chosen. Write down the thoughts that come to mind when you think of it, both the positive and the negative thoughts. These are your paradigms. To help you tap into how you think about your goal ask yourself questions like “How does this make me feel?” to make the process simpler may I suggest that you draw a line down the canter of your notepad, head up one side as “positive thoughts” and the other side “negative thought”. You then list your thoughts under the corresponding heading.
Third step. Choose from your list what you consider to be your top four most powerful negative paradigms and ask yourself “Why did I think of this? What’s the source of this feeling? How has this served me? What will it cost me and my family?” and keep asking such questions until you have a clear understanding of your paradigm.
Fourth step. Once you know and understand your negative paradigm, find or create for yourself an effective affirmation that will help you to re-programme your mind. Your affirmation must be something that is opposite to the negative paradigm. So if you have a paradigm that says that you will never be wealthy, your affirmation may be ‘I believe that I will be wealthy and I can now see my wealth before my eyes, I am drawing wealth to me, I now have the wealth I desire’.
Fifth step. Place a written copy of your affirmation where you can see it every morning and every night and be sure to read it before you go to sleep and when you arise until it is memorized. You can also write said affirmation on a 3x5 card and take it with you when you go out each day and read it as often as you can. When you read your affirmation do so with emotion and feelings.
Once you have done these steps, over time you will begin to notice that you are thinking and behaving in a different way and a whole new source of power will open up for you. Follow these five steps for each of your paradigms and watch your life become prosperous.
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