Create Your Future.... If You Can Dream It, Why Not Achieve It!

This site is about helping people to Create The Future that they truly want. We feature processes and products for the achievement of your Dreams and Goals.

Location: St. Andrew, Jamaica

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Your Plan: The Roadmap to Achieving Your Goal

If you have decided what it is you want to achieve and have defined it and set a date to achieve it by, then you are one of the lucky few, congrats! You have reached further than most people who will be reading this.

So what’s next?

Your Plan!..Yes you need a plan of action. Your plan will take you from where you are now to where you want to be in the future. It is a step by step process for the achievement of your goal. Do not be intimidated or fooled by the whole process of a plan, your plan is not infinite…it guarantees you nothing and it is not cast in can’t be, or else you will get frustrated if your plan doesn’t evolve as you have written it. Your plan therefore, must be flexible it has to be, since things don’t always go as planned.

There are some key questions you should ask yourself when putting your plan together:
• What am I trying to achieve
• What do I need to get there (the is talking about resources both human and physical)
• What kind of person do I need to become in order to achieve my goal?
• What resources do I possess now?
• What is the first thing that I need to do right now?
• What’s the second thing I need to do?
• What’s my one month goal, my six month goal etc. how will I know I have reached my goals?

It is important that you break your overall plan into smaller day by day plans. That way your plan won’t seem overwhelming. Write down what you will achieve for each day and stick to it as bets as you can.

Bear in mind as you go through developing your plan the fact that no one has ever achieved their major goal in life without the help and cooperation of other people. That’s because no one person has enough experience, natural ability, knowledge and education to ensure the achievement of their goals.

As I have said before your plan should be flexible, but you should also be aware that if you plan is not working, never be afraid to change it, and try a new one. If the new plan fails to work, then try another one.

Take your time when putting your plan together; it doesn’t have to be perfect. Your plan however must be doable. If you need help in putting your plan together, ask one of your friends or get an advisor or a life coach. The key is to get your plan done, and remember it doesn’t have to be perfect.


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