Create Your Future.... If You Can Dream It, Why Not Achieve It!

This site is about helping people to Create The Future that they truly want. We feature processes and products for the achievement of your Dreams and Goals.

Location: St. Andrew, Jamaica

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

All Achievement Starts with Desire

For many of us in order to soar to new heights of achievement we need to have a burning desire to achieve. It’s not enough to have defined what it is you want to achieve. It’s not enough to have a plan. It’s not enough to have taken action, all of this means nothing if your desire is not strong enough to make it happen. Your desire cannot be a mere wish or interest no, no, no it has to be a burning desire that takes over your whole being.

A young warrior wanted to know the secret of happiness, so he set out from his village to see a sage. When he found the sage in his hut he sat down and asked him what the secret to happiness and success is. The old man took the boy by his hand and without saying a word led him to a lake and continued to walk into the lake until the boy was fully submerged. At this point the boy began to struggle; the sage then led the boy back on land and to his hut. When they were seated the old man asked the young warrior” When you were under water what did you most want to do?” The young warrior replied “To breathe!” the sage then said “when you want happiness and success as badly as you wanted to breathe, then you will know the secret!”

The turning point in the lives of any achiever is that moment of crisis when they declare “enough!”, “I will no longer accept this” “I must conquer!” “I must succeed!” that’s when they develop the desire required to achieve.

To help you ensure that your desire is as strong as it must be, one technique often used by those who will not be denied is to cut off any means of escape or retreat. This means you have no choice, no options, and success then becomes a must.

It is said that Desire has energy. So, as you think about what you want, that desire builds strength. Energy follows wherever you focus your mind. The more focused and clear you are as to what you want deep down; the energy necessary to manifest it becomes stronger. Put your attention on your desire and you will attract that into your life.


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