Create Your Future.... If You Can Dream It, Why Not Achieve It!

This site is about helping people to Create The Future that they truly want. We feature processes and products for the achievement of your Dreams and Goals.

Location: St. Andrew, Jamaica

Thursday, April 12, 2007


Auto-suggestion a.k.a. self suggestion is a process by which a persons’ subconscious mind is trained to believe something, or systematically change that person's own mental associations, usually for a given purpose. This is done through self-hypnosis methods or repetitive, constant self-affirmations. The acceptance of autosuggestion by your subconscious mind is enhanced by the mental visualization of that which the person would like to believe. It is most successful when consistently used and the length of time over which it is used.

Autosuggestion is an integral part of prayer, meditation, and other such types of activities.

Most of us are making autosuggestions to ourselves on a daily basis, we are just unaware of it happening. Whatever your dominating thoughts are (whether positive or negative) in your conscious mind, autosuggestion will willingly reach the subconscious mind and influence it with these dominating thoughts. We all need to realize that we are in control over the information reaching our subconscious mind through our senses. Unfortunately, however, most of us do not exercise this control, which explains many peoples life of lack. Autosuggestion is a very powerful tool whether it’s used positively or negatively, so we must use it to our benefit at all times.

On a daily basis we all make statements like I’m an awful person, no one will love me, I hate school, I hate my coworkers, these are all negative autosuggestions to you subconscious mind, so when they become true in reality we end up lamenting our situation. Why not use the more positive autosuggestion like “I’m a wonderful person,” “everyone likes me”,” I love school”, and see what happens. It’s not easy to get rid of negative self-talk but you must keep trying, remember consistence is key.

How to apply the principle of autosuggestion:
1. Write down a clear statement of what it is you desire to have, be it money, a home, a car whatever it is write it down
2. Put a timeframe on it and say what it is you intend to do or give in return for your desired thing. Also write down a plan of how you intend to get it.
3. Read this statement aloud every night before you go to your bed and every morning when you arise. Repeat this every day until you see whatever you desire in your minds eye (your imagination).

It is very important to understand that the mere reading of the words of your statement will have no effect on your subconscious mind. You must mix emotion, or feeling into what you are saying. Your subconscious mind will only receive and act upon thoughts which have been mixed with great emotion of feelings. No, shouting it louder doesn’t mean any emotion is involved in what you are saying.

Another thing that may help you is to place a copy of your written statement in a location where you can see it when you wake up in the mornings (e.g. on a wall in your room).

Here’s an example of a statement you can use as your guide. It is not cast in stone you can make yours whatever you want it to be:
“I will earn $100000 by November 30, 2008 by becoming a manager of an advertising agency and give of my expertise. This will be done by acquiring the required education and experience and also making contact with the owners of the top agencies in the country”

In your day to day living if you find yourself engaging in negative self-talk, stop yourself, don’t finish the words you are saying to yourself, replace it with a positive autosuggestion. Keep this up everyday and soon you’ll find that your life is much better. Make that commitment.


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